Signing up

In the Fall of 2017 a new cycle of Salesian animators, L, began. It is the eight cycle of the three year program. The program is experienced through 4 weekend sessions per school year. The program as a whole takes 2 years to complete. A program accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education. After the third year is used as a tool to further advance animators' knowledge and experience and to prepare them for their future possible roles as animators, volunteers and camp leaders.

The program is suitable for all young animatoors, ideally between the ages of 16 to 21, who already have experience within Salesian centers and who would welcome a deepening of their knowledge and a chance to meet with their counterparts from different corners of the country. An exception can be made if a 15 year old active animator is interested.

Registration ended on September 30th, 2017.

You can still, however, register on this page- for those who don't have an account on it is important to follow the steps for the creation of a new account. If you have any problems, please contact us at